
Hazor in the Ninth and Eighth Centuries BCE: From Omri to the Assyrian Destruction.

 ANE Today Editorial Introduction:* David and Solomon are controversial historical figures, but their successors, especially the Israelite dynasty of Omri, are not. Hazor was a thriving center of the northern kingdom of Israel. Its extensive remains illustrate the life of Iron Age cities as they fell under the shadow of the Assyrian onslaught. By: Débora […]


Tel Hazor Iron I and Iron IIa Ages Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery:  Here’s a gallery of all the images that appear in Near Eastern Archaeology 76.2 for Hazor in the Iron I and Iron IIa Ages. Smaller versions of some of the images also appear in the article “Hazor in the Tenth Century BCE” on the ASOR Blog / ANE Today which you can read here. […]


Hazor in the Tenth Century BCE

 ANE Today Editorial Introduction:* Few topics are more controversial than the biblical kingdoms of David and Solomon. Were they and their rulers real, and if so, what archaeological remains did they leave? Or were they literary creations, exaggerations or even fabrications of later biblical writers? The arguments have raged for almost three decades without end, […]