What’s in your dig bag, Morag Kersel?
Even though I’ve been vigilant about sunscreen, water, and hats for decades this winter I had a tumor removed from my nose – the result of 20+ years of sun exposure. I never want another needle in my nose and I now have a Beko gear nose guard […]
Changing Lives: Object Biography and Law [Video]
At theASOR Annual Meeting, Morag Kersel presented her paper, “Changing Lives: Object Biography and Law.” She did so during the Object Biography for Archaeologists: A Practical Workshop. The workshop was not just about story-telling, […]
Landscapes of the Dead
Landscapes of the Dead: Aerial and Pedestrian Site Monitoring at Fifa, an Early Bronze Age Cemetery on the Dead Sea Plain, Jordan By: Morag M. Kersel, Department of Anthropology, DePaul University The primary objective of the Landscapes of the Dead Research Project is to assess (through aerial photography and a pedestrian survey) the Early Bronze […]