The Large Stone Structure in the City of David. Photo by the author.

Reckoning With David In Scholarship and Media

Press begins by noting some prominent recent discoveries that have made it into the media, such as the Large Stone Structure in the City of David, Jerusalem. The archaeologist who oversaw its excavation, Eilat Mazar, has stated categorically […]

James Tissot, Jael Smote Sisera, and Slew Him, 1902.

Remembering King David

By Jacob L. Wright, Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Candler School of Theology, Emory University Why didn’t the biblical authors present a more flattering image of King David, and why did they make his stories so complex? In his 1943 biography of King David, the British diplomat Alfred Duff Cooper, 1st Viscount Norwich, insisted […]


The So-Called “Solomonic” City-gate at Megiddo

Editor’s Note: The “Solomonic” gates at Hazor, Gezer and Megiddo have long been controversial for their apparent confirmation of Biblical accounts. Below, Prof. David Ussishkin, the excavator of Lachish and Megiddo, argues that the six-chambered gate structure at Megiddo cannot be dated to the tenth century and the reign of Solomon. What is the proper […]